sábado, 5 de diciembre de 2009

[ 500 days of summer ]

This is a story of boy meets girl. But you should know up front, this is not a love story.

The boy, Tom Hansen of Margate, New Jersey,
grew up believing that he'd never truly be happy until the day he met the one.
This belief stemmed from early exposure to sad British pop music
and a total mis-reading of the movie 'The Graduate'.

The girl, Summer Finn of Shinnecock, Michigan,
did not share this belief.
Since the disintegration of her parent's marriage she'd only love two things.
The first was her long dark hair. The second was how easily she could cut it off and not feel a thing.

"Either she's an evil, emotionless, miserable human being, or... she's a robot."

[ i used to tell myself that over and over and over again every single day since he decided to break up with me
and in an extremely short time kind of "replace" me easily with other blameless girl until i knew this… ]

Summer: I woke up one morning and i just knew
Knew what?
What i was never sure of with you.

[ anyway… we can never be sure of the feelings of the other person… and there's nothing left to do than face the reality,
if he couldn't feel love with me is because he wasn't "the one" and equal as me:
he is free to feel everything he didn't feel with me with somebody else no matter if it's one day after leaving me…
somethings are meant to happen, some others don't ]

lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2009

[ there are times when… ]

There are times when life calls out for a change.
A transition. Like the seasons.
Our spring was wonderful, but summer is over now and we missed out on autumn.
And now all of a sudden, it's cold, so cold that everything is freezing over.
Our love fell asleep, and the snow took it by surprise.
But if you fall asleep in the snow, you don't feel death coming.

I shoed you our neighborhood, my bars, my school.
I introduced you to my friends, my parents.
I listened to your texts, your singing, your hopes, your desires,
your music.
You listened to mine. My Italian, my German, a bit of Russian.
I gave you a walkman. You gave me a pillow.
And one day, you kissed me.

Time went by, time flew and everything seemed so easy, so simple, so free, so new, so unique.

We went to the movies, we went dancing, we went shopping,
we laughed, you cried, we swam, we smoked, we shaved,
sometimes for no reason, or for a reason. Yes, sometimes for a reason.
I brought you to the academy, I studied for my exams,
We were close, so close, ever so close.
Time went by for no reason. You screamed for no reason.
I studied for my exams, my exams, my exams.
Time went by,
you screamed, you screamed, you screamed.
I went to the movies.

lunes, 5 de octubre de 2009

[ sad song ]

Play me a sad song
that's what i want to hear
i want you to make me cry
i want to remember the places that we left lost to the mists of time
i know that you'll go soon
you'll find out
so take me with you always

We'll never get sick anymore.

domingo, 13 de septiembre de 2009

domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2009

[ SW ]

It's not what you give...                 
                                                          but it's what you kept
it's not how you speak...               
                                                         but it's what you said
it's not what you seek...                
                                                          but it's what you have
it's not what you leave...               
                                                           but it's what you hold

I'm growing in my bed

miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2009

[ octopus days ]

 You never asked me what I wanted
You only asked me if I loved you
I never asked for what I needed
What I gave you, you didn't need
It’s up to you to leave me
(I’ll collect the signs along the way, along the path)
I only give you what I’m made of
You take more than what I give you
You never asked me what I needed
What I gave you, you didn't need it

sábado, 22 de agosto de 2009

[ ☁ ]

[ i r r e v e r s i b i l i d a d ]
 Se aplica a aquellos procesos que no son reversibles en el tiempo.

"…al despertar supe que él se había ido. Supe de inmediato que se había ido. 
Cuando quieres a alguien esas cosas se saben..."

miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2009

[ no happy ending ]

pasaron los días… la princesa no tuvo que esperar al príncipe que supuestamente llegaría a rescatarla, aquel que se perdió en el camino, aquel que no estaba desesperado por buscarla, aquel que siempre le pidió tiempo; ella estaba presa por sus demonios internos, la única persona que podía salvarla, era ella misma. Fue valiente y se salvó… por voluntad propia, decidió esperar al príncipe “valiente”, se sentó sobre una piedra a contemplar el atardecer, después la luna, y así pasaron los días, uno tras otro, y ella no hacía nada más que contemplar el ritmo de la vida de todo lo que la rodeaba, mientras permanecía inmóvil, dejando su vida pasar. Algo la hacía sentir obligada a quedarse en esa piedra; hasta que un buen día mientras veía hacía las colinas, reconoció la sombra de un jinete en su caballo, el sol irradiaba tanto a este personaje, ella se emocionó tanto que hasta lágrimas brotaron de sus ojos, por fin, su príncipe venía a su “rescate”, sin embargo, a medida que el sol fue ocultando sus rayos pudo percatarse de que aquel príncipe no venía solo; al parecer en el largo camino que tuvo que recorrer para llegar ahí había encontrado a otra princesa que no necesariamente debía ser rescatada; con toda la diplomacia del mundo, la princesa se levantó de la piedra, se sacudió el vestido, estiró los brazos, se acomodó el cabello, tomó su espada y la lanzo justo al corazón del príncipe, terminando con ello la vida de aquel desgraciado que la abandonó en ese lugar… jaja bueno, quizá pensó en hacerlo, pero finalmente, solo suspiró, se había equivocado, no debió haber esperado tanto a aquel príncipe, de cualquier manera ni siquiera necesitaba ser rescatada por alguien, así que antes de que él pudiera verla, ella tomó su propio camino hacía su propio palacio, donde se encontraban las personas que ella más amaba en el mundo, su familia y sus amigos, durante ese camino seguramente conocerá muchas cosas nuevas, otras personas, todo eso le servirá para lograr su sueño, diseñar los vestidos más hermosos de todos los reinos, y por qué no, quizá rumbo a su castillo un príncipe valiente la encuentre y la lleve cómodamente en su carruaje a hacer sus sueños realidad…


lunes, 17 de agosto de 2009

[ silently ]

Silently, I wish to sail into your port,
[ I am your sailor ]

Quietly, I drop my weight into your sea,
[ I drop my anchor ]

I sway in your waves,
[ I sing in your sleep ]

I stay till I'm in your life

viernes, 7 de agosto de 2009

[ for the damaged ]

Maybe again 
he will be alone
Guess we're equally damaged
Find your name do it all the same equally
(Signal when you can't breathe no more)
Say you were me then you could see the view
You'll know we are equally damaged
Don't be a fool, make it easier
You'll learn to say when
Signal if you can't say,
"no more"
Don't cross your finger
Sundays will never change
(They keep on coming)
You'll be a freak and I'll keep you company

that's what i keep telling myself everyday:
                                                               "Don't be a fool, make it easier...
things will never change"

miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2009

[ the forgetful... ]

"Blessed are the forgetful
for they get the better even of their blunders"

De que serviría poder olvidar si terminaremos cometiendo los mismos errores una y otra vez…
Al final... las cosas suceden por una razón, sea un acierto o el peor de los errores, 
de todo se aprende, de momentos así esta llena la vida. 
No olvidar... 
pero si aprender.

martes, 4 de agosto de 2009

[ where is it ]

Electric shocks?

I love them!

With you... dozen a day

But after a while I wonder

Where's that love you promised me?

Where is it?

How can you offer me love like that?

My heart's burned

How can you offer me love like that?

I'm exhausted, leave me alone

[ Possibly maybe probably love ]

jueves, 23 de julio de 2009

[ whatever ]

whatever you
whatever i
whatever dream
whatever song
whatever heals
whatever feels right
whatever need
whatever i want
and all the spiders in my mind
all the things we never said
maybe the last day of my life
when i look at the world
through the blue of your eyes
whatever peace
whatever war
whatever door
whatever kiss
whatever happens
we are the "space-men"
...when i look at the world through the hole of your heart.

miércoles, 22 de julio de 2009

[ get gone ]

'Cause I do know what's good for me And I've done what I could for you But you're not benefiting, and yet I'm sitting Singing again, sing, sing again
How can I deal with this, if he won't get with this Am I gonna heal from this, he won't admit to it Nothing to figure out, I got to get him out It's time the truth was out that
he don't give a shit about me
- a little mistake, an instant of weakness, but now i got my head straight up again-

sábado, 18 de julio de 2009

[ blame it on my youth ]

[ weird-O-experiment ]
If, I expected love, when first we kissed, blame it on my youth
If only just for you, I did exist, blame it on my youth  
I believed in everything like a child of three  
You meant more than anything, you meant all the world to me 
If, you were on my mind, all night and day, blame it on my youth 
If, I forgot to eat, and sleep and pray, blame it on my youth 
If I cried a little bit, when first I learned the truth  
Don’t blame it on my heart, blame it on my youth

jueves, 2 de julio de 2009

[ Capítulo 93 ]

 Pero el 
                   esa palabra...

Desconcertado y arisco en la ciudad donde el amor se llama con todos los nombres...
... de todas las calles (amor)
... de todas las habitaciones (amor)
... de todas las camas (amor)
... de todos los sueños (amor)
... de todos los olvidos... (amor)
                                        o los recuerdos. (amor)

   no te quiero por vos, ni por mi, ni por los dos juntos...
        te quiero por que la sangre me llama a quererte,
        te quiero por que no sos mía...
                                                                por que estás del otro lado...
                                                                ahí donde me invitas a saltar 
                                                             y no puedo dar el salto.
me atormenta tu amor que no me sirve de puente,
por que un puente no se sostiene de un solo lado...
(jamás Wright o Le Corbusier van a hacer un puente sostenido de un solo lado..)

...y no me mires con esos ojos de pájaro,
para vos la operación del amor es tan sencilla;
te curarás antes que yo y eso que me querés como yo no te quiero.
Claro que te curarás! porque vivís en la salud!
después de mí, será cualquier otro, 
eso se cambia como los corpiños.

total parcial: te quiero.
 total general: te amo.

sábado, 27 de junio de 2009

[ human behavior ]

There's definitely, definitely no logic to human behavior but yet so, yet so…

[ irresistible ] 

                                  and there's no map, they're terribly moody…
                                                           then all of a sudden turn happy

to get involve in the exhange of human emotion is so…

[ satisfying

jueves, 25 de junio de 2009

[ 505 ]

(and wait a sec.)
cause when you look at me like that my darling
what did you expect?
i probably still adore you with your hands around my neck
(…or i did last time i checked?)

domingo, 21 de junio de 2009

[ sad, sad song ]

I went to the whipper whale
I said:
–Whale please, what do you do when your true love leaves?
She said:
–I only have one trick, I got up my sleeve:
I sing it over and over 'til he comes back to me

–I make a sad, make a sad, make a sad sad song–